Put Your High School Students Ahead in the Competition
With Teach Me Wall Street's Finance Extra Curricular Programs

With the ever-increasing competition for college admissions, it is now recommended that students explore areas of interest at an early age and start “preparing for college” upon entering high school.
Many traditional and top-tier colleges have become “test optional” narrowing the odds for students who, in the past, would have relied heavily on their SAT and ACT scores to gain admittance.
With the absence of these standardized test scores, admissions counselors, not wanting to look solely at high school grades as an objective measure of achievement, are now focusing more on a student’s interests and extracurricular activities, community involvement and accomplishments related to those interests.
Teach Me Wall Street, prepares high school students for life. And the information learned in our programs can help students develop projects that will make them stand out from other students.
We offer virtual programs on a variety of finance and business related topics that help develop interests and insight about trading, investing and related career options.
Wall Street and finance related careers have always been dependable pathways to success. Every student benefits from having an awareness of various career tracks, versus relying on career information picked up randomly from home and school, which can be limiting.
Our programs encourage students to be leaders, good team players and active members in their community. Students work on team projects in class that simulate real-life situations. We teach kids how to build wealth that can be used to benefit themselves and causes they care about.
They learn how to invest, fundraise and develop business ideas that can help others and their community. Many of our students turn their entrepreneurial spirit and passion for finance into worthy projects.
Student Success Stories
Mark, a high school student, enrolled in Teach Me Wall Street finance boot camps, and went on to start his own successful stock market club at school. He taught like-minded peers everything he learned about investing, analyzing stock charts and trading.
This activity, which demonstrates leadership, drive and initiative, was listed on Mark’s college application and helped him secure a spot in the Fall 2022 entering class at Cornell University, an Ivy League school.
Shane, a sixth-grader from St. James, NY with a passion for finance, attended a Teach Me Wall Street boot camp to learn about trading and investing.
With the knowledge, he took away, and some start-up cash from a pastoral associate at his local school, he invested in the stock market and earned enough money to buy a goat for an at-risk family in a rural mountain village of Haiti through the Haitian Health Foundation.
He is reinvesting the remaining money for other charitable projects. Shane is an example of a middle school-aged child who exhibits the passion, initiative, skills, and character that colleges are looking for.
Other Teach Me Wall Street alumni have similar stories where they used what they learned in our classes to develop and execute community service and leadership projects to make them stand out to college admissions officers

Expert Guidance and Mentoring
Annaline Dinkelmann, the owner of Teach Me Wall Street, worked in investment banking and compliance for many years and had a career as a day trader.
She and the Teach Me Wall Street team serve as great mentors for college-bound students. They provide students with an understanding of the college decision-making process and give them the resources and guidance necessary to create standout projects and make informed college application decisions.
They also focus on career skills and exploration, giving students a leg-up on the competition.
For parents looking for guidance to find the right extracurricular activities, check out the parent workshops at Extracurricular Guru. They are chockfull of resources and expert advice.
Interactive and Peer-to-Peer Engagement
There’s plenty of opportunity for peer-to-peer engagement as well in our financial extracurricular programs for high schoolers.
Students make meaningful connections in a virtual classroom and are encouraged to participate in spirited discussions and work as a team. There are hands-on activities and educational puzzles that make learning fun for all.

Not only for Students with an Interest in Finance
Teach Me Wall Street programs are not just for students interested in careers on Wall Street. We cover topics that all students need to build a financial future, but are not always taught in school.
We strive to empower students with real-world knowledge about money and investing. We teach students how to create a budget, understand interest rates, use credit cards wisely, manage a 401K and more. These are valuable skills students will need in college, in their careers, and in life.
A Pathway to Success
Whether you want to learn skills to position yourself for college acceptance, a career in finance or everyday life, Teach Me Wall Street will help prepare you for independence and success!