Spring Break 

Cryptocurrency Bootcamp

This spring break bootcamp for BOTH parents and students that focuses on Cryptocurrency, and more specifically on trading crypto.

Your child can participate alone, or if you (parent or grandparent) are interested in attending, you can join with your student at no additional cost!

Waitlist - Cryptocurrency

What will be covered in the 5-day bootcamp:

  • Brief history and overview on the development of cryptocurrencies and tokens
  • What is Blockchain?
  • What are NFTs and should I invest in them?
  • The regulators and crypto
  • Opening a crypto trading account
  • Crypto exchanges
  • Reading a crypto chart / graph
  • Placing trades
  • Managing risk

Classes are two (2) hours each with a 10min break in the middle

What is Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency?

Bitcoin is the best-known cryptocurrency – It is very new and fast developing.  It’s a medium of exchange, like the US dollar, but it is digital and uses encryption techniques to control the creation of monetary units and the transfer of funds.

Although Bitcoin is a long way off from becoming an acceptable form of currency at the supermarket, it is fast changing the financial world as we know it.

Since the outbreak of the Covid, there has been a great deal of focus on digital currency. Elon Musk, the chief executive of Tesla, bought more than $1.5 billion dollars worth of Bitcoin for his company, which led to great enthusiasm and a surge in price of this new and controversial cryptocurrency.

Facebook, Twitter, Gamestop and many more companies are jumping into the crypto space or expanding their existing offerings.

 Many Wall Street banks are beginning to offer cryptocurrency investment products as well.